Step 4: Select Destination

In this step of the New Task Wizard you need to select a destination folder where your backup will be stored.

Handy Backup: Selecting Destination

You can choose between six locations:

These locations are described in details in six following sections.

Note: When you complete all steps of the New Task Wizard and launch the task, Handy Backup will create a folder with the same name as the task name (see Step 9: Name the Backup Task) to store the data. You can change the destination folder by modifying task settings (see Modifying task), but this must be done carefully, because in this case no new folder will be created. When selecting new destinations, make sure that you always have different folders for different tasks. If you select a single destination folder for several backup tasks, you will be able to restore only the last one. The matter is that each successive index file will overwrite the previous index file.

Step 3: Backup Type

Step 5: How to Backup

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